Collage 001: Intuito
I suggest listening to Enhanced Sound Collages. Beautiful sound collages worthy of the best Dadaist school! -- Leo Learchi

Artist: Aner Andros

Released: Aug 07, 2016

On: MixCloud

Format: Mixtapes

Cover by: Andrea C

Intuito is part of ISPIRAZIONE. A series of “Enhanced Sound Collages” comprised of layers of songs, audio clips, and DSP processing, blended into a unique voyage published between 2016 and 2017.

Full Tracklist

The order of the artists and songs on the tracklist/timestamp is purely indicative of the order of appearance, it doesn’t reflect what’s really going on in the mix.

Natasha BarrettUntitled
FreesoundA Most Demanding Love
Nigel KeayTerrestrial Mirror
FreesoundBaci Soavi e Cari
VimeoWhat Noises Remain (preview)
Mika LeviDrift
Aner AndrosPorn Audio DSP’ed
Lesley FlaniganSleepy
CoilEnochian Calling
Jamey Haddad, Lenny White & Mark ShermanWood and Metal
Jamey Haddad, Lenny White & Mark ShermanThe Wind
Jamey Haddad, Lenny White & Mark ShermanPhrases
JD EmmanuelIn Movement on the Rings of Saturn
Robert Shaw ChoraleCarol of The Bells DSP’ed
Nicolas JaarEtre
Bora Yoon & Ben FrostFuncomfortably Yours
Theo BlodererFirst Sequence
Newtone2060Il Caino e L’Abele
Delia DerbyshireFrontier to Knowledge
John CleeseAnd Now For Something Completely Different
Portal 2 OSTHalls of Science 4