lost tracks and old .xm
What's left of liquido's tracks, after an HDD crash and no backup

Artist: CGA

Released: Nov 18, 2008

Catalog: GWR0006

Format: Album

Cover by: Andrea Callea

The following backstory is from 2008, when I first published this album on Jamendo

Because Creative Commons licenses are irrevocable, this work is perpetually licensed under a BY-NC-SA 4.0

long story short:

lost tracks and old .xm is an album of (guess what?) tracks that i lost due to an hard disk crash but that i had burned to an audio CD in 99. Thanks to these audio CDs (see long story) i have the songs but i lost their sources, at least i can now publish them from cleaning them a bit.

long story:

back in 98 i started to use the computer, with it i discovered the FT2, and i started to make music with it. As you can listen on the album, i’m not so good with sound and the quality is pretty much low-fi. The low-fi is due to other reasons too, but i’m to blame too for i used not so clean samples and data.

The computer wansn’t even mine, so everything that i’ve done was on Emo’s (nickname of my friend and of the PC as well) hard disk. At that time i (fortunately) made some CDs of my music but i didn’t even know how to make a backup and i was not even caring about it. What a silly guy i was. I dind’t even know about the risks of losing data.

Now, in 2k we (my friends with i was playing with and I) split up for different reasons; Emo got married, the other Mi.S.Fu went to live in other italian cities, and I went to London (and i brought my Cds with me). There, among the other people and friends, i met Anthony LeClerc, a good french guy to whom i recorded a tape of most my tracks i had on the CDs.

After some time Emo’s had a crash and i lost almost everything. Some .xm fortunately survived this crash for they were on another hard disk, but i had lost most of my music.

When i came back to Italy in the summer of 2k, i called Emo telling him that i wanted my data back. At this time i came to know about the crash and the big loss of data. I was really angry about it and i blamed both me and Emo for not having done a backup. I had lost almost everything.

In September i went back to London and lived there (on and off for the holydays) till December 2002.

In all of this time i didn’t play music (almost) at all and i didn’t have a PC, meanwhile i was still in contact with the friends and girlfirend i met in London. In 2k3 i bought my PC and didn’t play music, after a while (2k4 i guess) i contacted Anthony to tell him to send me a tape of my music since the cheap CDs I used to burn my tracks into audio had shattered. With it i had lost any digital data of my work. Fortunately Anthony kept that tape i made for him and sent me a CD of mp3s made out of that tape. This is how now i have my music back. Out of that mp3s i imported them on my PC, cleaned them as best as i could and made this “lost tracks and old .xm” album.

a little about me:

Now, in 2k8, i’m starting to make music again. I use GNU/Linux as my one and only operating system and i’m discovering the audio software for this OS. I must say that i didn’t expect it had so many software. I tried so many times to run FT2 on Linux without success but luckyly for all of us THE best tracker ever has landed to Linux too: Renoise!!!!

I’m a tracker person, i can’t really call myself a musician and i do it for fun and personal pleasure.

I really believe in the power of Copyleft and even almost started my own radio show few years ago where i wanted to air Creative Commons music. In that time i also created a forum (called Boh’s Silent Revolution) to publish anything arty and copyleft. Think it as a Jamendo for “all” copyleft art forms.

Unfortunately i did it again… no back up and crash of the server. Beside the guy who gave us hosting and domain for free disappeared. So i never got it back and after a while Jamendo started so i felt no need to get BSR up again.

I’m also fond of Linux and i’m working on a italian linux reference website.

Oh yeah… i work too. I’m a Linux SysAdmin and other things alike.

My next releases will be of completely new (and backupped) music. I hope that you’ll enjoy this release until i make a new one.

thanks for having downloaded this album.

best regards CGA